As a preferred partner of Morpheus XR; our goal is to make it easy for companies to organise B2B events and get into the metaverse.

Work with our concept artists to design the perfect venue for your digital hub, add some branded content for your audience to interact with, invite guests, and join by VR headset, mobile phone or PC. Enter a secure world for your company where you control who has access to your events.

Re-use your virtual world to support your trade-shows, activations, show rooms, sales activities, trainings, parties, and more. Drop us a line to book a guided tour. Explore some of the worlds created for Morpheus XR.

Choose a sample and drag around in the window to see it from different view points.


Smaller Worlds: Beautiful and loads super fast.
Great for 5-6 people.


Medium worlds — fits between 30-60 people comfortably.


Large Expansive worlds with rich experiences for powerful platforms. Fits up to 100 people.

Smaller Virtual Worlds

Sky Lounge
The Hangar
Night Beach
Green Fields
The Cave

Medium Virtual Worlds

Amphitheater Top
Amphitheater Scene
Secret bar
The Ladder
Night Woods
The Lobby

Larger Virtual Worlds

Landing pad